Saturday, July 29, 2017

Mutual Understanding is a key to better living

  • Sometimes I wonder that what could be the main reasons behind a change that the people of today's era are facing. I mean that, what has made today's people attracted to jealously, negativity, ill mentality etc. Somehow, I have found one such quality that most of the people of today's world are lacking. That quality is nothing, but Understanding.
  • Understanding in a broader sense implies to Mutual Understanding. Every person must have a strong mutual understanding between another person. Mutual Understanding is the most essential element as far as any friendship, relationship is concerned. 
  • Today's world is widely affected by numerous problems i.e. terrorism, pollution, population explosion, diseases, sorrow etc. But, I believe that there is a light after darkness. Similarly, there is a hope that ignites the goodness within us and help us to confront every situation that becomes hurdles for us.
  • Problems are more, but when a person learns to maintain mutual understanding with another person, the problems would be reduced to a great extent. After every problem, there lies a solution. We have a life to live in which we are likely to face numerous problems, but we too have endless opportunities to lead the life beautifully by searching for the solutions to the problems.
Lastly, one such key to better living is Mutual Understanding! 

Thanks for reading!! 

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