Thursday, March 9, 2017

Think Right and Do Right

  • A man is as great as the thought he thinks!! This is not just a simple line which depicts human psychology about thoughts, but within it lies the true spirit that makes the man transcendental in life.
  • Thinking in a right manner always yields considerable and positive results. We cannot afford to entertain undesirable thoughts as it is unhealthy and that which occupies some part of the mind. 
  • Everything in Life is to be overcomed, rather than to be feared. Substitute the right thoughts. 
  • You must not only do the right but your innermost thoughts and intentions should be right.
  • Thoughts are the mostly affecting factors as per healthy life is concerned.
  • Thoughts affect your health some way or the other.
  • Thoughts are real power, governing, and influencing your life.
  • Keep your thoughts strong, wholesome and noble.
  • Always maintain such a kind of attitude in your subconscious mind that may effectively guide you to Think Right and you will then definitely Do Right!!

1 comment:

  1. I agreed with you arjun...
    What we think really mean a lot in our life
