Friday, March 10, 2017

The Universal Truth

Whenever I wonder about something related to the Universe, I feel something different. I am surprised for every happenings on this Universe that is known to last till eternity.

The Universe is said to be infinitely bounded with an uncountable no. of heavenly bodies besides planets and the galaxies.

We, the humans have progressively managed to bring a revolution to this residing place i.e. the Earth. From the past thousands of years human beings have significantly contributed to their comforts or every life aspects related to them. We have created almost every thing that is necessary for sustainance.

But the reality is that a human being is just a small unit of this entire Universe. But even though, I feel that somethings cannot be ignored unknowingly.

We can't ignore these things:
1. We can't explore the Universe completely.
2. The power of Nature can't be underestimated.
3. We can't acquire the complete Knowledge about anything that is known to be eternal.
4. We can't live forever.
5. We don't have the power levels that can bring any change to the Universal truth.
6. We can't deny the cycle of birth as we can't be escaped from this Universal bounding.

My purpose is not to entertain such pessimitic thoughts, but I have just tried to explain the real world, the real importance of our position in this eternal Universe.

Every aspect about Universe is very astounding and it feels very strange to know about how it formed etc. 

I am a sort of person with an utmost curiosity levels within me that guides me to attract to the Universal truths.

Thanks for reading!!!


  1. Right Arjun we can't understand this universe completely

  2. Yes, its impossible for us to know everything!!
