Sunday, March 12, 2017

Awaken, for a healthy life!!

  • We all are born for some purposes which we call The Purpose of Life.  These life purposes vary from person to person based on different personas. Some people may have a life notion we live because we are born while the rest may think that we are born to live, whatever!! But that what actually counts is the lifetime that is spent by the fellow individual.
  • To lead a fuller and beautiful life, there must be some aspects that makes an individual aware about the reality of the world. That is, the individual must be awake in every circumstance that occupies the state of his/her mind. 
  • Out of compassion I destroy the darkness of their ignorance, from within them I light the lamp of wisdom and dispel all darkness from their lives….. The awakened sages call a person wise when all his undertakings are free from anxiety about results; all his selfish desires have been consumed in the fire of knowledge.
      ------ Bhagavad Gita
  • The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.
------ Buddha
  • Awakening, not only guides an individual to lead a blissful life but also makes that individual connected with the supreme God. There is a wakefulness that comes from a clear mind, unobscured by want, erring thought and preoccupation, and there is desire to be awakened that comes from a clear heart. 
  • This gives us the willingness to engage with life as a gift and enjoy it by exploring the unknown life principles. This also helps us to unfold the purpose of our being in this eternal Universe.Hence, Awakening, whether spiritual or physical, must be adopted by everyone on a daily basis to keep body and mind healthy and achieve contentment and longevity. 
  • Practice this by reviewing about everything good or bad that you did, once a day. Recall all those moments whenever you are free (mostly evening). This kind of introspection is must to assess yourself and if you encounter some flaws during these 24 hours, keep calm and slowly repeat three times:“I will not make the same mistake again;God will help me.” Everyone needs to introspect to examine one’s thoughts and feelings from time to time.
   So, please awaken to unlock and explore the beautiful mysteries of a blissful life!!

source: speaking tree