Friday, February 10, 2017

Kashmir: Named after sage Kashyap

Kashmir is mainly considered as the 'heavenly place' in India from so many centuries. But do you know that, how the name 'Kashmir' was given to that beautiful place!!

Let me tell you that the word Kashmir is derived from the ancient sage Kashyap as per the references from the texts 'Nilmath Puran' and 'Rajatrangini'. As per one legend, in ancient Kashmir state, there used to be a lake which was entitled as 'Satisar' based on Lord Shiva's wife Sati. In those days, there existed a rakshasa Jaladhbhava. Sage Kashyap used to live in central India those days. Kashmiri people were very disturbed and threatened by rakshasa Jaladhbhava, and so they decided to get rid of him and hence they demanded sage Kashyap to destroy Jaladhbhava. Sage Kashyap killed Jaladhbhava from his mighty powers and thus freed the Kashmiris from that rakshasa. During 6th to 8th century, as per the references from the ancient texts 'Nilmath Puran' and 'Rajatrangini', Kashmir was called as 'Kashyapmir'(Mir meaning the sea)based on the heroics of the sage Kashyap. 'Anantnag' district was named after the child of Kashyap and Aditi. Another district, that we call 'Barahmullah' in the present day was initially known as 'Varahamool'. I hope that you have understood by now the etymology of Kashmir.

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