Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Class 6 Geography Notes: The Earth in The Solar System


  • The sun, moon and all those objects shining in the night sky are called Celestial Bodies. 
  • A natural object which is located outside of Earth's atmosphere, such as the Moon, the Sun, an asteroid, planet, or star. 
  • The Kuiper belt contains many celestial bodies
  • Any asteroid in space is a celestial body.

  • The Moon is an astronomical body that orbits planet Earth.
  • The Moon is Earth's only permanent natural satellite.
  • The Moon is in synchronous rotation with Earth meaning the same side is always facing the Earth.
  • full moon night: Poornima (You can see the moon)
  • new moon night: Amavasya (You can't see the moon at all)


Stars are the celestial bodies having their own heat and light, which they emit in large amounts.

eg: The Sun is a Star.

  • While watching the night sky, the patterns formed by different groups of stars are called constellations. 
  • Ursa Major or Big Bear is one such constellation.
  • Saptarishi or Small Bear (Sapta: seven, rishi: sages) is a group of 7 stars that forms a part of large Ursa Major constellation.

  • North Star indicates the North direction.
  • North Star:= Pole Star
  • pole star is a visible star, preferably a prominent one, that is approximately aligned with the Earth's axis of rotation; that is, a star whose apparent position is close to one of the celestial poles, and which lies approximately directly overhead when viewed from the Earth's North Pole or South Pole.
  • The Pole Star always remains in the same position in the Sky, and we can locate the position of the Pole Star with the help of the Saptarishi.

  • Planets are the celestial bodies that do not have their own heat and light and they are lit by the light of the stars.
  • The word 'Planet' comes from the Greek word 'Planetai' which means 'Wanderers'.
  • Earth is a Planet which gets all its heat and light from the Sun.
  • Sun is the nearest star to the Earth.
  • Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus have rings around them. These rings are nothing but the belts of small debris.

  • The Sun, 8 Planets, Satellites and some Celestial Bodies known as Asteroids and Meteoroids form the Solar System called as the Solar Family with Sun as its Head.
  • People who study the Celestial Bodies and their movements are called Astronomers.
  • Geo (ge:= earth)
  • Logy(logia:= study)
  • Metry (metria:= measurement)
  • Oid (oeides:= shape or form)
Geology: Study of the earth
Geometry: Measurement of the earth
Geoid: Resembling the shape or form of the earth

  • The Sun is in the centre of the Solar System.
  • The Sun provides the pulling force that binds the Solar System.
  • The Sun is about 150 million km away from the earth.
  • All planets move around the Sun in an elongated path.
  • There are 8 Planets in our Solar System. On the basis of their distance from the Sun, they are:
  1. Mercury
  2. Venus
  3. Earth
  4. Mars
  5. Jupiter
  6. Saturn
  7. Uranus
  8. Neptune

References: NCERT BOOK CLASS 6
                     facts about the moon
                     celestial bodies
                     pole star

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