Friday, August 18, 2017

Giving Back

  • The most important thing that can be a trigger for a better life is Giving. We all undergo through a vast series of consequences that can affect our lives either directly or indirectly. If we choose to Give back, we are likely to get the best outcomes as we would have got by Taking.
  • We all must contribute towards the goodwill of the Society in which we reside. We must help the needy people by Giving them what they don't have. We must strive hard to strengthen our Nation by Giving back the services that it needs for its betterment. 
  • I think that the most beautiful quality that a human being should possess is the ability to Give others. I recommend to all the readers to think for a while, and be a part in the act of Giving. If everyone including the readers of this blogpost make up their mind to attract towards Giving, I am sure that world will be a better place to live.

Thanks for reading!!!

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