Monday, March 27, 2017


  • We, the human beings are composed of various qualities that are supposed to be unique in itself. 
  • Hence, the most important thing that matters a lot in human life is the Uniqueness of an individual.
  • The serious issue about the depletion of uniqueness is common nowadays.
  • The society is derived from all sorts of individuals, whether ethical, moral or unethical.
  • So, its been observed that an individual is becoming a prey to one crucial fact that is known a Hypocrisy.
  • Hypocrisy is destroying the uniqueness content in human beings thus affecting badly in their lives.
  • Hypocrisy preempts the capacity of thinking right in a correct way thus making the human beings deprived off their own thoughts and personas.
  • Individuals from every walk and talk of life must have a strong sense that gives directions to their thoughts, and those thoughts turned into actions. 
  • These actions may affect the lives of the individuals whether directly or indirectly.
  • Hence, I may suggest to all the captives of hypocrisy, to think in a quite different dimension which may correspond to the Universal law or the Ultimate Truth that may not be denied.
  • By becoming segregated from the captivating hypocrisy, one can become as one desires by retaining the uniqueness' factor in themselves.

Thanks for reading!!!

source: google images

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