Thursday, February 9, 2017

Thought matters!!!

To lead a beautiful and better life, we need to maintain a better outlook. What actually counts at last is the Thought of the individual. In this diplomatic real world, there is a kind of race between the people for every walks of life.
The race begins directly from the childhood of any kid. The parents strive a lot and thus support their kids for their education and for fulfilling the basic daily needs. Let me narrate you a short scenario.

First a child is born.After a few years, he/she becomes a kid. When a kid goes through the education, he/she is likely to begin a part of the invisible race that includes scoring best grades, marks. All this race lasts up to the 10th grade. After passing the 10th grade, there is another race in which the grown up kid struggles for getting better marks and grades in order to get admitted in the better colleges/institutes/universities. Through this a lot of effort is utilized by the grown up kid. After getting admission in the better colleges/institutes/universities, there is another race for further studies or getting better high paid jobs. After this the grown up kid becomes a man/woman, after which he/she goes forward for making a family and after that the same procedure gets recurring. 
In this short scenario, I just want to explain that what actually matters is the thought process that comes in our minds within our journeys.
Throughout this journey, what actually matters is the thought process of that kid, how he/she actually live by their perception.

  • right attitude is the best kind of food that serves the beautiful garden of mind of any individual.
  • An optimistic outlook is another way which helps an individual maintain a positive outlook through each and every walk of our life.
  • Willpower also matters a lot. A great willpower helps an individual to be a part of the success that he/she expects in the future.
  • Courage also contributes towards the success of an individual in which the individual gets enough power to overcome the obstacles that are likely to be occurred in the near future. Fear is eliminated from the minds of the individuals.
  • Honesty is the best policy! We know this fact right from our childhood, isn't it! Nothing more to be explained from this thought.

At last I just want to tell you that there must be a right attitude and a good thought that must be in our minds in order to expect everything great everytime!!

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