Sunday, February 12, 2017

Respect your Time

It’s the most commonly known truth all over the world from ancient times which compares Time with MoneyLost wealth can be recovered again, but the lost Time can’t be regained. Time is the main criteria that distinguishes any individual.Time elapses very quickly, without considering any individual whether rich or poor. Time elapses equally for everyone. The individuals having respect about Time are likely to achieve far greater results than those disrespecting Time.

The wisdom that we get through Time factor can be stated as:
  • ·         Time is the most precious commodity and it is non-renewable or non-recoverable.
  • ·         Respect your Time and focus on your priorities and maintain balance.
  • ·         Simplify your Life by paying heed towards Time.

“Time slips through our hands like grains of sand, never to
return again. Those who use time wisely from an early age are
rewarded with rich, productive and satisfying lives”. 

Source: The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma


  1. Time is like water in a running will not have the same time just like the same water will not have the place ever again...

  2. Time is really important....
    Nice #Arjun

  3. Time is the fore in which we burn .
