Thursday, February 9, 2017


            The world we see is itself made from the grace of God. There is some ultimate power that do exist in this world that we all are mostly unaware of. That power belongs to the GodGod is the ultimate reality that is present somewhere that is beyond our reach. 
            We can simply go through the process and thus we only have the limited powers which are only suitable for sustaining our lives. 
            What makes a human being different from others is the quality that he/she possess. We also know that the world in which we live will exist for eternity. 
             Every human being has some sort of powers that he/she hasn't explored yet, but there are some ways through which that powers may be kindled and through which that respective individual will experience an enlightenment.
               'That power is nothing, but the power of the mind!'

  • What is Mind?
The human mind is the mixture of different cognitive faculties that includes the consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement and memory.
There is not only one single universally accepted definition for mind. It is a broad concept that depends on the individuals.
  • Philosophy of Mind?
Due to the over-rated and the most common discussion nowadays i.e. mind, there has been a significant changes to the perspective towards the mind. Due to this, one completely different concept came into existence known as the Philosophy of Mind.
Philosophy of mind as its name suggests is the special branch of philosophy that mainly deals with the studies about the nature of the mind, mental events, mental functions, mental characteristics, and consciousness and their relationship to the physical body, particularly the brain.
  • What is Subconscious mind?

Subconscious mind is a very complex concept related to the mind. It is quite difficult to be understood, but if understood, it can me mastered through practice and its power is absolutely tremendous.
A human brain works through the process of 'thought patterns ', which correspond to nothing but 'programming' that has been indented into its neural network. You can easily observe a definite 'pattern' in some of the thoughts that are produced in the brain.
The most important aspect of the subconscious mind is that it is always 'ON' i.e. it is active all day and night 24/7, regardless of what you are doing. 
The subconscious mind controls your whole body. You cannot hear this silent inner process with your conscious effort. You need to start taking care of your subconscious mind, as it helps a lot. It is vital to maintain your mind in a state of expectation of only good thoughts and events and make the usual mode of your thinking totally and solely based on loyalty, justice and love.
Faith and belief are the foundation and bases of the subconscious. You must not forget that "You all will be rewarded according to your faith!!"

  • Power of your Subconscious mind:
  1. Your subconscious mind has the ability which not only controls all the processes of the body but also knows the answers to the various questions and can thus solve many problems.
  2. Before going to sleep, refer to your subconscious mind with a specific request and soon you will see its miraculous powers coming into being.
  3. Anything that is captured in your subconscious mind will directly affect you in the form of emotions, circumstances, consequences and certain events. Therefore you all need to watch closely what thoughts and ideas govern the garden of your mind.
  4. All experiences arise from the unfulfilled desires. If you are focused on various issues and problems, thus will be the reaction of your subconscious mind.
  5. When you have a specific goal or a dream, consciously repeat this statement: "I believe that the power of the subconscious, which gave me this desire, will embody it in me".
  6. Stress, anxiety and fear can disrupt the natural rhythm of breathing, heart rate and work of any other part of the body. Cultivate in your subconscious mind the thoughts of good health, peace and harmony. Harmony here refers not only the outer one, but the inner harmony as well.. Hence, all the functions of the body will return to normal.


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